Effortlessly craft compelling jobs that attract top talent

JuggleHire's Job Posting feature takes the hassle out of creating compelling job postings, streamlining your recruitment process and saving you valuable time.

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Here's how juggleHire job posting empowers you


Effortless posting

Quickly create and publish new job postings with our user-friendly interface.


Team collaboration

Team up to write clear, engaging job posts that showcase your company culture.


Customizable forms

Build custom question forms for each job. Ask exactly what you need to know from candidates.

Filter Irrelevant Applicants on the Fly


Filtering irrelevant applicants

Save time by filtering out irrelevant applicants with our powerful screening features.​


Focus on qualified candidates​

Focus on qualified candidates who meet your criteria for more productive interviews.​


Rejection automation​

Send personalized rejections email with a single click, saving time while staying professional​

Stand out on social: automated, engaging job post previews

JuggleHire automatically generates eye-catching social media preview images for your job postings. Grab attention and reach a wider audience by sharing your openings on social media platforms.

Benefits of jugglehire job posting

Reduced time-to-hire

Increase your hiring efficiency by attracting the right candidates from the outset.

Improved candidate quality

Focus on qualified applicants who meet your specific needs.

Streamlined workflow

Simplify your job posting process and manage everything from one centralized location.

Stop wasting time & resources on hiring.
JuggleHire makes it easy

JuggleHire goes beyond simple job posting. Leverage custom forms, powerful screening filters, and automated social media previews to find the perfect fit for your team.