15 Proven Tips for Managing a Remote Team (Scenarios+Solutions)

Best tips for managing a remote team
14 min read

Working remotely sounds amazing, right? No commute, flexible hours, and maybe even some pajamas! But managing a remote team can be tricky. How do you keep everyone on the same page when they’re miles apart?

Managing a remote team might seem daunting at first, but trust us, it’s totally doable. With the right tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be leading like a pro in no time.

With that in mind, today, we are going to share 15 tips for managing a remote team with you. Being a remote company, we know what to do and what not to do while managing a remote team. So, keep reading to unveil all the secrets for leading your remote teams!

When You Should Go For a Remote Team?

When You Should Go For a Remote Team?

The work culture is not the same as before. The decision to embrace a remote work setup can impact a company’s productivity, culture, and employee satisfaction. So, before you know the ultimate tips for managing a remote team, you should ask when is the right time to make the shift.

You can go for a remote team if your company meets these key considerations:

  • Work Doesn’t Require Physical Presence: If your tasks can be completed effectively online, without needing face-to-face interaction or physical machinery, then a remote team thrives. Think tasks like coding, writing, design, customer service, or data analysis.
  • Global Talent Pool: Remote work lets you tap into a worldwide pool of skilled individuals, not limited by geographical location. This can be especially valuable for niche skill sets or specific time zone needs.
  • Cost Savings: Office space is expensive! Opting for a remote team can significantly reduce your overhead costs on rent, utilities, and office supplies.
  • Focus on Results, Not Location: If your company culture prioritizes results and deliverables over physical presence, then a remote team can excel. Trust and clear communication become key.
  • Flexibility and Work-life Balance: Do your employees value flexibility and the ability to manage their own schedules? Remote work can boost employee satisfaction and potentially lead to increased productivity.

If you think these above-mentioned scenarios match your requirements, it’s high time you should start managing your teams remotely.

Now let’s jump into the tips to manage your remote teams like a pro!

15 Potential Challenges and Tips for Managing a Remote Team

Potential Challenges and Tips for Managing a Remote Team

Running a small business is exciting. At the same time, it can lead to many potential challenges, especially when you are running a remote team. However, the following ones are notable while working in a remote work environment.

Don’t worry, we will share the best practices for managing a remote team to overcome these challenges.

01. Organize Virtual Team Building Activities

How to manage a team remotely when team members are scattered across different locations? Poor remote team collaboration may arise because of the lack of face-to-face interaction. Then, it will be challenging to foster trust, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging within the remote team. So, you may look for tips on how to collaborate effectively if your team is remote.

A Possible Scenario –

A small marketing agency hires remote freelancers for various projects. Despite being talented individuals, the lack of in-person interactions leads to a disconnect among team members. This type of situation can create the following problems –

  • Decreased morale
  • Poor collaboration
  • Weak team spirit
  • Reduced overall productivity
  • Employee dissatisfaction
  • Deadlines are frequently missed

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

To overcome these challenges of managing a remote team, the agency can organize virtual team-building activities to foster teamwork and collaboration. Popular forms of these activities are online office games, virtual escape rooms, and team cooking classes.

If you are not sure what to do, you can ask team building questions for remote workers. With these activities, team members bond effortlessly despite being physically distant or when you are managing cross cultural remote teams. For the best results, you can use collaboration tools for remote teams.

02. Set Clear Rules and Guidelines to Manage a Team Remotely

Without clear guidelines and expectations, remote teams may struggle to stay aligned and focused. There can be an absence of defined workflows, deadlines, and accountability measures. This absence can result in confusion, inefficiency, and missed opportunities. This can impede the following aspects of the company –

  • Project progress
  • Hinder decision-making
  • Impede the achievement of business objectives

A Possible Scenario –

A startup with remote developers struggles to maintain consistency in project workflows and communication protocols. Without clear guidelines, tasks overlap, and responsibilities are unclear. This will undoubtedly lead to inefficiencies and frustration.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

To get rid of such challenges of managing a remote team, clear rules and guidelines. All staff, regardless of location, will adhere to the same remote team communication tools and protocols. They will realize the importance of confidentiality and data security. This way, consistency and efficiency in operations will be maintained in any company.

03. Build Camaraderie Among Remote Employees to Enhance Communication

Each employee has their preferred mode of communication. Therefore, it is essential to adapt to diverse preferences for communication. Failure to accommodate different communication styles can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and frustration among team members. Lack of communication in a remote team culture is never acceptable. It has a severe effect on project outcomes and customer satisfaction.

A Possible Scenario –

A remote customer service team relies solely on email for communication. Hence, they were experiencing delays in responding to client inquiries and resolving issues. In addition, some team members prefer phone calls or instant messaging. Their habits caused miscommunication and customer dissatisfaction.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

If you don’t want to experience such a scenario, you can make regular video calls and online celebrations among remote employees. Enhance their communication by implementing these tips for managing a remote team. Additionally, utilize remote team communication tools like Slack and Google Hangouts. Always use the best collaboration tools for remote teams for informal communication and quick updates throughout the day.

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04. Must Ensure Every Remote Employee Works to Achieve Company Goals

Sometimes, remote teams may struggle to grasp the company’s overarching goals and objectives. They may not have enough regular face-to-face interactions with the remote team leader. So, you can’t blame them entirely.

The lack of clarity regarding company direction can lead to disengagement, apathy, and a sense of aimlessness among team members. This can further result in –

  • Misalignment of efforts
  • Missed opportunities
  • A lack of progress toward strategic objectives

A Possible Scenario –

A remote sales team lacks clarity on the company’s long-term objectives and target markets. Without regular updates from leadership, individual efforts are not aligned with overarching business goals. Hence, there will be more chances of missing sales targets and revenue opportunities.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

Unawareness of the company goals is one of the biggest challenges of managing remote employees. The company should schedule team meetings with all members. In this case, these meetings can be held at times suitable for everyone’s time zones. They can use designated remote team communication tools for this.

Moreover, they must announce clear guidelines to all remote employees. Clear workflows and expectations help keep employees on track and aligned with company objectives. In this regard, using remote team management tools can bring satisfying results.

05. Schedule Remote Team Meetings at Convenient Times

With team members dispersed across different time zones, scheduling meetings and coordinating work becomes challenging. Failure to respect time zone differences can lead to fatigue, burnout, and dissatisfaction among employees. This can disrupt workflow and impede timely decision-making. Ultimately, disrespecting the time zone can delay project timelines and deliverables.

A Possible Scenario –

A software development company with teams in different continents struggles to schedule regular team meetings due to conflicting time zones. Therefore, they may face delayed decision-making, hindered progress, and frustration among team members.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

If you don’t want to be in similar situations, you should avoid scheduling meetings during inconvenient times for certain team members. Use effective collaboration tools for remote teams with features in email and messaging applications.

Moreover, prioritize project management for remote teams. So, you should also think about using software to manage remote employees in a better way. These are not only the best tips for managing a team remotely, but they can also maintain productivity and collaboration across time zones.

06. Monitor New Remote Workers Frequently

New remote workers may feel isolated or disconnected without sufficient support and guidance. Veteran telecommuters may adapt more easily. However, they may inadvertently overlook the needs of newcomers. This lack of monitoring can result in slower onboarding, decreased morale, and potential performance issues.

A Possible Scenario –

A small marketing firm hires a new graphic designer who is working remotely for the first time. Without regular check-ins and guidance, the designer struggles to navigate the company’s workflow and expectations. This will lead to missed deadlines and frustration.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

Therefore, all new remote hires should be thoroughly monitored for at least 3 months. Also, implement a structured onboarding process for new remote hires. This includes regular check-ins, training sessions, and mentorship opportunities.

Provide necessary resources and support so that they can acclimate to remote work and feel connected to the team. Encourage remote team collaboration and address any challenges or concerns they may have promptly.

07. Be More Flexible, Not Strict

Since you are running a remote team, it is obvious to adopt a rigid approach. However, research shows a strict remote work culture can hinder employee satisfaction. Hence, their creativity will be stifled. Imposing strict rules and schedules may lead to feelings of resentment and reduced motivation among team members.

Be more flexible with the remote team, not too strict

A Possible Scenario –

A remote sales team is required to adhere to strict working hours and micromanaged schedules. It limits their ability to balance work and personal commitments. This rigidity leads to decreased morale and productivity among team members.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

That is why, it is essential to promote flexibility by focusing on outcomes, rather than micromanaging hours worked. Let employees adjust their schedules to accommodate personal responsibilities or preferences, as long as they meet their objectives.

Foster a strong remote team culture of trust and autonomy within the team. You can go for advanced recruitment software (such as JuggleHire) if you are wondering how to build team culture remotely. This type of software will help you hire better candidates. This will make it easier to build a dream culture for both you and your emplyoees.

08. Make Sure There Are No Trust Issues

Doubting the integrity and commitment of remote employees undermines morale. Overall, it erodes trust within the remote team. Although you can use tools to manage remote employees, you can’t micromanage them. It signals a lack of trust, hindering collaboration and stifling creativity. This lack of trust can lead to disengagement, turnover, and a toxic work culture.

A Possible Scenario –

A small consulting firm struggles with trust issues among remote team members. Some team members feel micromanaged, while others feel overlooked. It creates a toxic work environment, which leads to communication breakdowns and missed deadlines.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

Get rid of such challenges of managing a remote team by prioritizing trust-building activities. Promote regular check-ins, transparent communication, and collaborative decision-making. These tips for managing a remote team emphasize trust as a core value. In the meantime, they set clear expectations and guidelines for remote work.

Additionally, demonstrate trust and respect for each team member’s expertise and contributions. Use remote team management software to keep track of their work and deadlines. This can create a positive remote work culture, which is built on mutual respect and accountability.

09. Don’t Hesitate to Show Signs of Empathy

Just like you, your employees deal with unique challenges every day. So, you should show empathy toward them as much as possible. Your employees expect your empathy, it encourages and motivates them to overcome the challenge. And if you don’t, they may become isolated, and after a certain point, they will feel resentful.

A Possible Scenario –

A remote customer support team feels disconnected and unsupported by management, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Managers fail to check in regularly or acknowledge the unique stressors faced by remote workers. At one point, remote employees of the support team started to feel isolated and stressed.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

At all costs, you should prioritize empathy as a small business owner or CEO. Regularly check in with remote employees to gauge their well-being and offer support. Provide opportunities for open dialogue. Encourage all remote team members to share tips and strategies for managing remote work effectively. Show appreciation for their efforts and recognize the challenges they may be facing.

In addition, don’t ignore their concerns about work-life balance, mental health, or personal obligations. If you do otherwise, it can lead to burnout, decreased morale, and disengagement. This lack of empathy can damage employee loyalty and respect toward the company.

10. Make Sure You Are Using the Right Tools

Be open-minded in investing in the appropriate tools. Determine which type of tools your company requires the most. It can be related to collaboration tools for remote teams, remote team management software, or project management tools for remote teams.

Neglecting to invest in such tools can hamper collaboration and communication within the remote team. Eventually, this can reduce productivity and efficiency. Also, make sure you are using tools that are suitable for your work culture. Ineffective tools hinder information sharing, coordination, and decision-making. Therefore, you will have to deal with missed deadlines and subpar outcomes.

A Possible Scenario –

A remote software development team struggles with inefficient communication and collaboration due to the lack of appropriate tools and resources. Without access to specialized software and platforms, team members face challenges in sharing files, tracking tasks, and coordinating project timelines.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

Invest in essential tools and technology to support remote collaboration and productivity. Provide access to project management platforms like Asana or Trello for task organization. Additionally, use communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for real-time messaging.

With that said, you can use video conferencing tools like Zoom for virtual meetings. Last but not least, make sure each team member has the necessary hardware and software to perform their roles effectively.

11. Automate the Workflow of Your Company

The inability to automate workflow processes can lead to inefficiencies and delays in task completion. Without automated systems in place, tasks may require manual intervention. This can result in the following issues –

  • Unawareness of the current task
  • Confusions related to tasks
  • Poor collaboration
  • Frustration among team members
  • Decreased morale
  • Missed deadlines

A Possible Scenario –

A small marketing agency struggles to automate its content creation process. As a result, there were delays and inconsistencies in content delivery. Without streamlined workflows, various tasks become time-consuming and prone to errors.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

In this case, implementing project management software would be one of the best practices for managing remote teams. This can automate repetitive tasks and streamline the overall workflow. So, team members will get more free time to focus on creative tasks. Moreover, the company can hire freelancers to handle routine tasks, like graphic design and data entry. This can further optimize the workflow.

12. Be Prepared for Unexpected Technical Difficulties

Technical glitches and issues can disrupt workflow and communication. This can lead to delays and frustration among remote team members. Always be ready to face unforeseen technical difficulties such as internet outages, software malfunctions, or hardware failures. Your inability to handle them can –

  • Impede progress
  • Affect collaboration
  • Hinder project timelines
  • Miss valuable opportunities
  • Decrease productivity
  • Compromise deliverables

A Possible Scenario –

A software development startup experiences frequent technical glitches during virtual meetings. This can disrupt collaboration and decision-making. Also, the startup experienced internet connectivity issues, audio/video malfunctions, and software bugs. Hence, their productivity is reduced and team members are frustrated.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

Technical difficulties are inevitable. If the startup can acknowledge that, it should adopt a proactive approach to address them. It should hire a technician to troubleshoot technical difficulties. At the same time, all the employees should gather resources to troubleshoot common issues independently.

On top of that, the startup can schedule regular check-ins with its IT team. This can promptly resolve technical issues and provide training on backup communication methods. By adopting these tips for managing a remote team, the startup can ensure smooth collaboration during downtime.

13. Provide the Right Training for Remote Work

Insufficient training for remote work can leave employees feeling ill-equipped. Without proper guidance and resources, remote workers may struggle to adapt to remote work practices. Therefore, they will face decreased productivity, performance issues, and job dissatisfaction. The company won’t be able to handle the challenges of managing remote employees.

A Possible Scenario –

A small consulting firm transitions to remote work. However, it struggles to provide adequate training on virtual collaboration and remote work best practices. Employees feel overwhelmed by the lack of guidance on effective communication and time management. Inadequate training sets boundaries in a remote environment.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

To avoid such situations, you should invest in remote work training programs. All your employees must have the necessary skills and tools to thrive in a remote setting. Provide internal resources such as guides and tutorials to reinforce remote work best practices. If necessary, bring external trainers to conduct workshops on –

  • Virtual collaboration tools
  • Time management techniques
  • Maintaining work-life balance

14. Focus on the Output As It Matters the Most

Don’t micromanage remote employees based on input metrics rather than focusing on outcomes. This can hinder trust, autonomy, and productivity. Remember, a culture of distrust can hinder employee morale and motivation. To create that, you should constantly monitor employee activities and hours worked. This can enhance job satisfaction and engagement among remote team members.

A Possible Scenario –

A remote team manager monitors employees’ online status and activity levels throughout the day. However, he focuses on input metrics rather than the quality of work produced. This creates a culture of surveillance and distrust among team members.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

Shift the focus from monitoring input metrics to evaluating output and outcomes. Don’t evaluate your employees solely on hours worked or online presence. Instead, set clear performance expectations and goals for remote employees based on deliverables and results. Encourage autonomy and trust among all members to foster a results-driven remote team culture.

15. Build an Efficient Remote Work Culture

Building an efficient remote work culture requires collaboration, trust, and engagement among remote team members. In this regard, intentional effort and communication can help. Team cohesion, communication, and productivity may suffer without a strong remote work culture. Plus, it will be difficult to maintain a sense of belonging among remote employees.

A Possible Scenario –

A tech startup struggles to cultivate a cohesive remote work culture. There are no clear communication channels and shared values. So, the employees feel disconnected from the company’s mission and goals. This situation can result in disengagement and a lack of alignment among team members.

Tips to Handle Such Scenarios –

If you are in the same scenario, you should follow the best practices for managing a remote team. Take deliberate steps to build an inclusive and engaging remote work culture. Establish virtual coffee chats, team-building activities, and happy hours to foster connections among remote employees.

In addition to these tips for managing a remote team, you should define company values and communication norms. This will reinforce the desired remote work culture. Embrace transparency, empathy, and flexibility to build a convenient remote work culture, which is also efficient.

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Essential Tools for Small Businesses to Manage Remote Teams

“Success in a hybrid work environment requires employers to move beyond viewing remote or hybrid environments as a temporary or short-term strategy and to treat it as an opportunity.”

Managing Vice President at Gartner, George Penn

So, remote work is here to stay. You should shift to a remote environment to keep up with the latest trends. And if you are already, you need to implement the best practices for managing a remote team. We hope you have learned the best tips for managing a remote team.

But if you are still grappling with the challenges of managing remote teams, you need to find the right tools (like JuggleHire). Let’s explore some essential tools tailored for small businesses to manage remote teams effectively:

Project Management Software

  • Keep track of tasks, deadlines, and project progress.
  • Tools like Asana, Trello, or Basecamp facilitate collaboration and task management in a remote setting.

Remote Team Communication Tools

  • Foster seamless communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom enable real-time messaging, video conferencing, and file sharing.

Remote Team Management Software

  • Streamline remote team management processes and workflows.
  • Solutions such as Monday.com, Hive, or ClickUp have features for time tracking, performance monitoring, and resource allocation.

Work Collaboration Tools

  • Enhance teamwork and productivity by providing centralized platforms for document sharing and collaboration.
  • Tools like Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Microsoft Office 365, or Dropbox Paper facilitate document collaboration and version control.

Employee Monitoring Software:

  • Ensure accountability and track productivity levels of remote workers.
  • Applications like Hubstaff, Time Doctor, or Toggl Track offer time tracking, activity monitoring, and productivity analysis features.

Team Building Platforms:

  • Foster team cohesion and morale through virtual team-building activities.
  • Platforms such as Donut, Icebreaker, or TeamBonding offer games, quizzes, and virtual events to strengthen team relationships.

Feedback and Performance Management Tools:

  • Provide structured feedback and performance evaluations for remote team members.
  • Tools like Lattice, 15Five, or Small Improvements facilitate performance reviews, goal setting, and employee feedback in a remote environment.

Document and File Management Tools:

  • Organize and secure documents, files, and resources for remote access.
  • Solutions like Evernote, OneDrive, Notion, or Google Drive offer cloud-based storage, collaboration, and document management capabilities.

Use An All-In-One Hiring Platform

Essential Tools for Small Businesses to Manage Remote Teams

If you want to run a remote team, you will probably hire team members from different parts of the globe. You may need to schedule meetings multiple times and go to different places. This can be time-consuming and costly. In this case, you can use an all-in-one recruitment solution like JuggleHire. With a list of comprehensive features, JuggleHire will solve all your recruitment challenges. Some mentionable ones are complete onboarding, candidate tracking, and seamless communication tools.

Tips for Managing a Remote Team- Ending Note

Remote work isn’t just about adapting to change; it’s about seizing opportunities for small businesses to thrive. By integrating the tips for managing a remote team outlined in this guide, you can address challenges immediately.

Remember, remote work isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. However, it can be a game-changer for your small business with the right strategies. While remote management may seem daunting at times, know that you’re not alone. There are tools and resources available, like JuggleHire, to streamline your processes and elevate your team’s performance.

This is Tanzil, a tech wordsmith extraordinaire. With a passion for innovation and a knack for storytelling, Tanzil has been crafting captivating tech content that bridges the gap between imagination and reality. He is always on the lookout to produce quality content on the byte-sized wonders of tomorrow.

Follow Me: Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn


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