5 Best Applicant Tracking Systems for Small Businesses in 2024

best applicant tracking systems for small businesses
8 min read

The job market is getting more competitive than ever. So, to keep up with that, small businesses need every advantage they can get. Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for long-term success, and an organized and efficient recruitment process is key. 

And 94% of recruiters agree that their ATS has had a positive impact on their organization’s hiring processes.

This is where our guide to 5 best applicant tracking systems for small businesses comes into play. Because with countless options available, choosing the right ATS for your small business can feel overwhelming. 

This guide delves deeper than the surface, providing insights into the top solutions, highlighting their nuances, and guiding you toward the perfect fit for your specific needs. 

Benefits of Using Applicant Tracking Systems

benefits of applicant tracking systems for small businesses

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) offer a range of benefits for both recruiters and hiring managers. Here are some key advantages.

Efficiency and Time-saving

ATS automates many manual tasks. It frees up valuable time for both parties to focus on more strategic activities. This includes resume screening, candidate communication, scheduling interviews, and managing the overall recruitment workflow.

Improved Candidate Sourcing and Selection

ATS allows you to reach a wider pool of qualified candidates through multi-platform job posting and advanced search functionalities. Also, ATS can filter and rank candidates based on pre-defined criteria. This ensures you focus on the most relevant profiles.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

ATS provides a centralized platform for all stakeholders involved in the recruitment process. This includes the recruiters, hiring managers, and even candidates. This facilitates seamless communication, feedback sharing, and real-time updates on the progress of a candidate’s application.

Data-driven Decision Making

ATS gathers and analyzes data throughout the recruitment cycle. It helps in providing valuable insights into candidate performance, recruitment channel effectiveness, and overall hiring trends. This data can help make strategic decisions about future recruitment efforts, resource allocation, and talent acquisition strategies.

Fairer and Unbiased Hiring

ATS can help lessen unconscious bias by relying on automated screening and evaluation based on objective criteria. This ensures a more equitable hiring process for all candidates.

Cost Savings and Resource Optimization

Automating tasks and streamlining the recruitment process with ATS can lead to saving a lot of cost in the long run. Additionally, it allows for more efficient resource allocation by focusing efforts on high-impact activities.

Enhanced Employer Branding and Candidate Experience

A user-friendly and efficient ATS can contribute to a positive candidate experience. It can lead to better employer branding and attracting top talent in the future.

Ultimately, using ATS effectively can benefit both recruiters and hiring managers by streamlining the recruitment process. It helps in improving candidate selection, and ultimately, attracting and hiring the best talent for your organization.

5 Best Applicant Tracking Systems for Small Businesses

Here are five top ATS choices for small businesses we will be discussing.

  1. JuggleHire 
  2. Zoho Recruit 
  3. BambooHR
  4. Recruitee
  5. Pinpoint

Let’s highlight their key features and benefits in detail. So, it becomes easier for you to decide and choose the best ATS software for your business.

1. JuggleHire

This screenshot shows the JuggleHIre websie homepage

JuggleHire utilizes efficient technology to match your job requirements with the most qualified candidates. This saves you time and effort during the screening process. 

Additionally, JuggleHire offers features like automated job posting, collaborative hiring tools, and comprehensive reporting and analytics. 

If you’re looking for an affordable and feature-rich ATS to streamline your recruitment process, JuggleHire is a great option.

Key Features of JuggleHire

  • Efficient resume management: JuggleHire automatically parses contact information from uploaded resumes, saving time on manual data entry.
  • Task creation: Assign specific tasks to candidates during different recruitment stages, facilitating early identification of top talent.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Share notes and scores with your team directly within the platform for informed discussions and decision-making.
  • Extensive feature Set: JuggleHire goes beyond recruitment, offering features like onboarding, attendance tracking, performance reviews and more, supporting your HR needs throughout the employee lifecycle.
  • Responsive customer support: JuggleHire boasts a reliable and responsive customer support team, readily available to answer questions and assist with any issues. The live chat option is particularly helpful for users needing immediate assistance.
  • Simple and user-friendly: Even non-technical users can easily navigate the platform and manage their hiring process.
  • Affordable: JuggleHire offers competitive pricing plans designed to fit the budgets of small businesses and startups.
  • Free trial: You can test-drive JuggleHire with a free trial to see if it’s the right fit for you.
  • Mobile app: Manage your recruitment process on the go with the JuggleHire mobile app.
  • Customize your workflow: JuggleHire adapts to your unique needs. Design a workflow that matches your existing hiring process, allowing you to track candidates efficiently through all stages.

JuggleHire Pricing: 

JuggleHire is currently offering free access to everyone! This is a great opportunity to try out the platform, with access to all of the features and see how it can benefit your business.


  • Powerful candidate matching.
  • Automated job posting.
  • Collaborative hiring tools
  • Customizable interview scheduling.
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics.


  • JuggleHire may not offer some of the advanced features found in other ATS solutions.
  • JuggleHire may not be suitable for companies with large hiring volumes or complex recruitment needs.

Best for

JuggleHire is best for small to medium-sized businesses seeking a cost-effective ATS with an easy-to-use platform, a modern interface and intuitive features to streamline their recruitment process and improve hiring decisions. 

2. Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit offers a comprehensive range of features to streamline your recruitment process, from sourcing and screening candidates to scheduling interviews and managing offers. 

Its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing make it a great option for small businesses just getting started with ATS technology.

Key Features:

  • Multi-platform publishing: Integrates with major job boards like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, and more.
  • Branding customization: Customizable templates and drag-and-drop interface for creating visually appealing job descriptions.
  • Easy application process: Mobile-friendly application forms and social media sharing options.
  • Searchable keyword database: Quickly find candidates based on specific skills and experience keywords.
  • AI-powered parsing: Extracts key information like skills, experience, and education with high accuracy.
  • Customizable parsing rules: Refine parsing accuracy by setting specific criteria for extracting relevant information.
  • Efficient storage: Store and manage all relevant information for each candidate, including notes, attachments, and interview feedback.
  • Robust reporting and analytics: Use it to efficiently track recruitment performance.
  • AI-powered candidate ranking: Utilizes AI to rank candidates based on their qualifications and job fit.
  • Reporting and analytics: Generate insightful reports on key hiring metrics like time-to-hire and cost-per-hire.


Starts at $25/user/month, making it a budget-friendly option for small businesses.


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Affordable pricing.
  • Wide range of features.
  • Mobile app access.


  • May lack some advanced features compared to other ATS solutions.
  • Customer support could be improved.

Best for 

Zoho Recruit’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it ideal for businesses of all sizes, especially those seeking an affordable and easy-to-use solution.

Related: Top 6 Zoho Recruit Alternatives in 2024

3. BambooHR

BambooHR goes beyond just applicant tracking, providing a full suite of tools for managing your entire HR function. It’s a great choice for an applicant tracking system for startups. This includes features for payroll, benefits administration, performance management, and more.

Key Features:

  • All-in-one solution for HR and recruiting, including payroll, benefits administration, and performance management.
  • Built-in job board network: Reach millions of potential candidates through BambooHR’s extensive job board network.
  • Social media sharing: Easily share job postings across popular social media platforms.
  • Mobile-optimized application process: Streamline the application process with mobile-friendly forms.
  • Career page builder: Career page builder to create branded landing pages for attracting talent.
  • Automatic resume parsing: Automatic resume parsing to extract key information like skills, experience, and education from resumes with high accuracy.
  • Searchable database: Searchable database to quickly find qualified candidates using specific keywords and criteria.
  • Automated notifications: It is to send automatic email and text notifications to candidates about their application status and interview schedules.
  • Email and text messaging: Integrated email and text messaging to communicate directly with candidates from within the platform.
  • Performance management: Performance management to track and evaluate employee performance with integrated performance management tools.


Starts at $99/month.


  • All-in-one solution for HR and recruiting.
  • Robust talent pool management.
  • Streamlined onboarding process.
  • Strong customer support.


  • More expensive than other ATS solutions.
  • May be too complex for some small businesses.

Best for

Small and medium businesses looking for an integrated solution to manage their entire HR and recruitment process.

Also Read: Remote Hiring Tips: How To Attract, Hire and Retain Remote Employees

4. Recruitee

Recruitee is designed to facilitate collaboration throughout the hiring process. With it you get all the benefits of applicant tracking system. 

Its built-in communication tools and features like candidate scoring and interview kits make it easy for teams to work together to identify and hire top talent.

Key Features:

  • Collaborative hiring: The platform enables collaboration with built-in communication tools.
  • AI empowered: AI-powered candidate scoring and filtering to streamline candidate assessment.
  • Customization: Customizable email templates and interview kits for efficient communication.
  • Comprehensive analysis: Extensive reporting and analytics to generate insightful reports on key hiring metrics to measure performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Automated tasks: Automation of tasks such as sending email notifications, scheduling interviews, and assigning reviewers.
  • Multi-platform publishing: It integrates with major job boards and social media platforms for wider reach. Integration with various HR tools like payroll, benefits, and performance management systems.


Starts at €39/user/month.


  • Collaborative hiring platform.
  • AI-powered candidate scoring and filtering.
  • Customizable email templates and interview kits.
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics.


  • May not be suitable for teams with a large number of hiring managers.
  • Limited integrations with other HR and productivity tools.

Best for

Teams with multiple hiring managers who value collaboration and streamlined communication throughout the recruitment process.

Also Read: Top 7 Recruitee Alternatives in 2024

5. Pinpoint

Pinpoint focuses on creating a positive candidate experience throughout the recruitment process. Its features include video interviewing, personalized communication, and background check integration. If you’re looking for the best applicant tracking systems for small companies, Pinpoint is worth considering.

Key Features:

  • Candidate engagement tools: Keep candidates engaged throughout the process with personalized communication tools and engaging features.
  • Multi-platform publishing: Post jobs to major job boards, social media platforms, and your company website.
  • Customizable job descriptions: Create visually appealing job descriptions that showcase your company culture and attract top talent.
  • Easy application process: Streamline the application process with mobile-friendly forms and social media sharing options
  • Visual pipeline: Visualize the progress of each candidate through the hiring process with a drag-and-drop interface.
  • Detailed candidate profiles: Store and manage all relevant candidate information, including resumes, cover letters, interview feedback, and notes.
  • Automated workflows: Automate tasks such as sending email notifications, scheduling interviews, and assigning reviewers.
  • Video Interviewing: Conduct interviews seamlessly through video conferencing, saving time and resources.
  • Background checks: Ensure the quality of your hires with integrated background check services.
  • Reporting & analytics: Gain insights into your recruitment process through detailed reports and analytics.


Starts at $99/month, providing a competitive price point for companies focused on enhancing candidate experience and employer branding.


  • Candidate engagement tools.
  • Video interviewing capabilities.
  • Background check integration.
  • Customizable reporting and analytics.


  • More expensive than other ATS solutions.
  • May not be suitable for all industries or job types.

Best for

Pinpoint’s intuitive interface and candidate-centric features make it ideal for businesses focused on attracting top talent. Its video interviewing and engagement tools help create a positive candidate experience and enhance your employer brand.

Also Read: Applicant Tracking System Best Practices: 12 Tips for Small Businesses

Choosing the Right Applicant Tracking Systems for Your Small Business

Choosing the best Applicant Tracking Systems for small businesses is very crucial as it can significantly enhance your recruitment process, attracting top talent and streamlining the hiring journey.  Evaluating your needs and budget is crucial, and the above information provides a comprehensive guide to compare top options.

JuggleHire is best for small to medium-sized businesses focusing on automation and cost efficiency.

Zoho Recruit offers an all-around solution at an attractive price point, while BambooHR caters to businesses seeking a comprehensive HR and recruitment platform. 

Recruitee excels in collaborative hiring and advanced features, respectively, while Pinpoint focuses on creating a positive candidate experience.

Applicant Tracking Systems for Small Businesses: Wrapping Up

Ultimately, the best Applicant Tracking Systems for small businesses depend on your unique priorities and circumstances. So, carefully assess your needs, compare features and pricing, and consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision. 

Remember, the right ATS can be a valuable asset in building a strong and successful team driving your business growth.

Related: What is An Applicant Tracking System- A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

This is Moumita, a technical content writer who simplifies complex tech topics into accessible content. I combine clarity and accuracy to educate and engage the audience with every piece I write.

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